viernes, 13 de julio de 2012

Sculpture report by pere

What's it called? It's called character.
Where is it? It's at the entrance.
Why do you like it? Because it's funny and cool.
What do you feel when you look at it? I know at the moment that is a Miró's sculpture.
Detailed description: is made of bronze and it has a big head.

Report Museum Miró by Eva

what's it called ? fleming young girl
where is it ? in the terrase in the museum
who do you like it ? because is original
Detalied description: He used red maniqui legs a blue iron for representing the stomache and a green iron for repressenting the navel and yellow iron circle  repressented the head and a red tap to repressent the hair.

Museu Joan Miro by Berta

My favourite Sculpture

Where is it? In the terase of the Joan Miró museum.

Why do you like it? Looks like a clown.

What do you feel when you look at it? It's funny.

Detalled description:
His face is round and yellow.
It has got an antena.
His body is blue.

lunes, 9 de julio de 2012

This week's visit will be to the Joan Miro Foundation on Thursday.

Video Project Week Three: Art

This week we are going to be exploring different periods and styles of art. Check out this video of the students talking about some paintings that thet have just discovered!

viernes, 6 de julio de 2012

Museum Report by Berta

I saw differents things about sports, rackets, shoes, balls...
I learnt the material of the old skis made from wood. The best thing was the swim suit of the syncronized swimming.
I discovered the history of a swimmer, Mark Spitz. He won 7 goldmedals and 26 records.

Museum Report: By GuilleTomás.

I saw a very old tennia racket. I learnest a lot of things but themoat intereating was that the mativesports in Asia, are sumo and karate, and the biggest long jump, was 8,90 by Bob Beamon´s.
The first Olympic Games televised are 9n 1948, in London.

Museum Report by Carla

I learnt a lot of things, but the most interesting was fencing.
The first Olympics Games was in Greece in 776 bC.
Three famous football players are Xavi, Iniesta, and Villa.
The first "Tour the France" was celebrated in 1903 and Maurice Garin won.
The first Winter Olympic Games was in 1924 in Chamonix.
And this is what I learnt.


I saw a lot of sports,important atlhetics and history olympic games,the first olympic games was in Grece in 776 BC an paralympic games,i learnt the different olympic games i saw the different torches i think the best was swimming,why Mark Spits was a 7 gold medals and 26 world records.

Muesum report by Pere

I saw the history of the Olympic games and the history of all sports.I also saw photos of some sports and also all the details about the 1992 olympic games in Barcelona.
I learnt which were the equipment of the players of different sports. I also learnt, for example, that the first winter Olympic Games were in 1924 and in Chamonix.

The best thing was a room where you could compare your sprinting and your jump with a sprinting and a jump of a professional.

Museum Report by Sergio

I saw a lot of diferents sports, but the most interisting was a Formula One.I learn a lot of things, but now I don´t remember.The weapens use in fencing are sword, fail and saler.

Museum Report by Francesc Mestres

We went to Olympic museum and we saw a lot of sports. We learnt a rules for a lot of sports. The most interesting was a atletics. The first Olympic games took place in Grece in 776 bC.

lunes, 2 de julio de 2012

sábado, 30 de junio de 2012

viernes, 29 de junio de 2012

Week Two: The Olympic Games

That's all for the first week, hope everybody had a good time. Next week we'll be looking at sport and focusing in particular on this summer's Olympic games, which are taking place in London. Here's a reminder of the '92 Barcelona Olympics. See you on Monday!

Have a look at the promo video for the London Olympics.

Titanic review by Guille

Titanic was directed by James Cameron. It stars Leonardo Di caprio as Jack Dawson, and Kate Winslet as Rose. The film won 11 Oscars in 1998 at Oscar Night in Los Angeles.
The film is set in The Atlantic Ocean in the 1997. It was filmed on a ship. It's based on a real stoy from 1912.
The film is about a love story between Rose and Jack during the Titanic's voyage. But Rose had to get married to Cal hockey because her family is losing money. At the end, on 15th April of 1912 when the Titanic is sinking Jack sacrifises his life to save Rose. Cal survived too but he never saw Rose again.

I recommend Titanic film. It makes you cry, it has memorable soundtrack, and it's a very realistic fil for it's time.

Titanic review by Pere

Titanic was directed by James Cameron. It stars are Leonardo di Caprio plays Jack Dawson and Kate Winslet playing the part of Rose Dewitt Bukater. the film won 11 Oscars i 1998.

The film is set in the Atlantic ocean in the 1912 on a replican ship.
This film is about a young 3th class boy and a 1st class girl who fall in love in just sight. the girl would be married with a man who doesn't love. the young boy, Jack, helps the girl, Rose, to survive at the sinking of the Titanic, sacrifising his life. The film starts with the old Rose explaining this history to some explorers that try to find her necless.

I recommended Titanic. there are so good dialogues which makes you laugh and also cry. It's so real and it has perfect special effects.

Titanic Movie Review, By Berta

Titanic was directed by James Cameron. It stars the film Leonardo Di Caprio (Jack Dawson) and Kate Winslet (Rose Dewitt). James was the big winner at Oscar night. I'ts set in 1997.
The films about Jack lover Rose. Titanic sank, Rose was saved but Jacke died.

miércoles, 27 de junio de 2012

Video Diary Week One

Here is the group talking about what they found out about the Titanic at the maritime museum exhibition.

Titanic Exhibition

Looks like everyone had fun at the museum! Here are some photos of the visit...

jueves, 21 de junio de 2012

Week One: The Sea

It`s the first week of the course and we are going to be learning all about the sea! Everything from pirates & exploration to wildlife... Can you think of any famous explorers? On Tuesday we'll be visiting the Marine museum to see an exhibition about the Titanic. Watch the video below!

What do you already know about the Titanic?